MASH 9 Content

Ashraful Kabir

Thoughts On Fitness Of Living Organisms

Fitness is one of the most important things to achieve in this world. Historical evidences always guide us on our food habit. There was a great difference between wild and captive (zoo) animals on the basis of their food items. Though zoo animals get obese but with special care, medical facilities, and good food they showed higher longevity than wilderness. For less physical activity and sedentary life domestic animals are becoming fatty. Their fatty body is not good for their own life as well as human consumption. It is possible to take fruits than meat anytime. Animals are very active in jungle and burn calorie in fighting, nesting, migration, reproduction and so on. For humans, gym for building muscle, yoga for spirituality, and aerobic exercise for fresh-air are effective on actual fitness.

Ashraful Kabir

Thoughts On Fitness Of Living Organisms

Fitness is one of the most important things to achieve in this world. Historical evidences always guide us on our food habit. There was a great difference between wild and captive (zoo) animals on the basis of their food items. Though zoo animals get obese but with special care, medical facilities, and good food they showed higher longevity than wilderness. For less physical activity and sedentary life domestic animals are becoming fatty. Their fatty body is not good for their own life as well as human consumption. It is possible to take fruits than meat anytime. Animals are very active in jungle and burn calorie in fighting, nesting, migration, reproduction and so on. For humans, gym for building muscle, yoga for spirituality, and aerobic exercise for fresh-air are effective on actual fitness.