Fitness is one of the most important things to achieve in this world. Historical evidences always guide us on our food habit. There was a great difference between wild and captive (zoo) animals on the basis of their food items. Though zoo animals get obese but with special care, medical facilities, and good food they showed higher longevity than wilderness. For less physical activity and sedentary life domestic animals are becoming fatty. Their fatty body is not good for their own life as well as human consumption. It is possible to take fruits than meat anytime. Animals are very active in jungle and burn calorie in fighting, nesting, migration, reproduction and so on. For humans, gym for building muscle, yoga for spirituality, and aerobic exercise for fresh-air are effective on actual fitness.
Depression is the second most common geriatric issue affecting approximately 5% of the aging population worldwide. In Malaysia, there is reported 37% of late-life depression (LLD) in primary care settings. Late-life depression is a complex form of depression, which makes the diagnosis tougher. In this report, we reflect on the challenges in recognizing LLD, and the need for practice improvement in order to not miss the diagnosis. Mr. G, a 67-year-old man, presented with severe constipation and significant weight loss. Thorough investigations have been done in tertiary centre which included multiple scopes and scans, but the findings were inconclusive. Yet one issue was missed that had social withdrawal for the past 2 years since the Covid-19 pandemic started. He refused to leave his room and bathed only once a week. He had a depressed mood, reduced appetite, and increased somnolence. He looked cachectic and depressed clinically. He was IADL-partial-dependent. He scored 21/30, 6/15, and 21/27 for Mini mental state examination (MMSE), Geriatric Depression Scale (GDS), and Patient Health Questionnaire-9 (PHQ-9) respectively. Oral Sertraline was started, and the outcome was remarkably favorable. Mr. G could have been treated earlier if the depression had been diagnosed ahead. Missing out LLD is quite common, perhaps due to a lack of awareness among medical practitioners. We are focused on physical ailments compared to mental, and this needs to change for the betterment of care. It is important to screen every elderly patient for LLD. It might be challenging however simple instruments like Whooley and Geriatric Depression Scale (GDS) would do the betterment for the patient care.
One of the most often used medical instruments is the stethoscope, however due to contamination, there is rising concern about its potential to transmit infections including COVID-19. This study aimed to determine the stethoscope hygiene attitudes and practices among clinical year medical students during the COVID-19 endemic period. A cross-sectional study was conducted among medical students in their clinical years at Manipal University College Malaysia (MUCM). Data collection was facilitated via questionnaires disseminated through electronic mail and social media platforms. The data were analyzed using Epi Info software, and the Chi-square test was employed to investigate the associations between demographic factors, attitudes, personal hygiene practices, and stethoscope hygiene practices among the study participants. Among 121 participants, 80.1% cleaned their stethoscopes during clinical practice. However, 9.9% of them sanitized their stethoscopes after every patient, while 4.1% cleaned more than once daily. No significant associations were found between demographic variables and stethoscope hygiene practices. However, positive attitudes and personal hygiene practices were associated with better stethoscope hygiene (P<0.05). Our findings underscore the imperative for medical institutions to implement educational initiatives aimed at raising awareness regarding optimal stethoscope hygiene practices. Adherence to such practices is crucial in mitigating the risks of nosocomial disease transmission, a concern that has been further exacerbated by the COVID-19 pandemic.
Emerging and re-emerging diseases are major public health concerns worldwide. Medical students should acknowledge the importance of health literacy (HL) and effectively promote HL to the community, especially in the context of disease prevention and control measures. This pilot study aims to explore undergraduate medical students’ perception of HL for the prevention and control of emerging and re-emerging infectious diseases. This study was conducted as a secondary data analysis of students’ responses to pre-lecture preparation questions for the topic of emerging and re-emerging diseases in the undergraduate medical programme. The qualitative answers to pre-lecture preparation questions were extracted from Google form and analyzed as thematic analysis by using RQDA software. A total of 18 students’ qualitative answers were analyzed and five salient themes were identified: Importance of HL in community, Benefits of competent HL in community, Role of HL in disease prevention, Strategies to improve HL in community and Suggestions for focus on HL promotion activities. The students appreciated the benefits and importance of HL, especially in the prevention and control of infectious diseases. Strategies to improve HL in the community should be initiated from school health education and further developed through social media, mass media, and community campaigns while collaborating with non-governmental organizations. HL promotion activities should encourage self-education, critical thinking, and utilization of credible sources. Students considered that underprivileged and low-income populations should be targeted for these interventions. Medical students appreciated the importance of HL for disease prevention and control and suggested educational interventions or campaigns to promote HL in the community.
Dengue fever is a major public health problem in Malaysia. This study describes the knowledge, attitude and practice of dengue patients admitted to Hospital Tuanku Ja’afar, Seremban, Malaysia. A descriptive, community-based, cross-sectional study was conducted with 231 participants admitted to Hospital Tuanku Ja’afar with a diagnosis of dengue fever. The questionnaire included questions on demographic data, knowledge, attitudes, and practices regarding dengue fever. The age group was divided into two groups, which were respondents less than 40 years old and respondents of 40 years old or more. Most of the respondents were married (55.0%), Malays (66.7%), and acknowledged that Aedes aegypti mosquito is a vector of dengue fever (93.5 %). There was a significant association (p= 0.045) between knowledge score and socioeconomic factors like 40 years or more, higher educational level, higher family income, lower number of dengue experiences, moderate density of plants and low density of mosquitoes. Participants generally have a good attitude towards dengue fever, with an average score of above 8. Most of the participants (85.7%) are afraid of dengue (agree or strongly agree). There were no significant association between attitude (p = 2.224) and practices (p = 2. 079) score with age. In light of these findings, it is important for public health initiatives to address knowledge and enhance awareness, such as organising promotional health campaigns. This would be helpful in increasing the practices in preventing dengue fever.
Crocodiles are ferocious creatures of the tropics. In East Malaysia, a total of 205 crocodile attacks were reported in 20 years. Most of these attacks occur in Sarawak (between 135 to 164 cases) and Sabah (70 cases) per annum (1). Though different species were found, reports have a common factor, attack on humans had led to significant morbidity and mortality. Crocodiles’ bite causes fatal and non-fatal injuries. Once they lock their jaw, it is kept locked as its mouth-opening muscles are weaker. Another mechanism of destruction of the crocodile bite is the death roll – a rotating manoeuvre with the aim of dismembering their prey (2). The sheer force of this mechanism allows them to subdue victims larger than its own size. This case reports a victim of a crocodile attack leaving significant debilitation from its single bite. This paper also explores into understanding these creatures in its existence. A bite from the crocodiles leads to detrimental injuries especially to the extremities, giving the Orthopaedic Department a challenge to handle. Injuries from a crocodile bite has been recorded to range from extensive tissue damage, vascular injuries, fractures and even amputations (3). Once the injuries are dealt with, another obstacle to overcome is the severe bacterial infection that comes after the bite. Many bacterial species are found in the oral cavity of a crocodile, and most are polymicrobial with resistance to the common antibiotics used (4). We report our approach and management of this complex crocodile bite.
To overcome various common psychiatric matters from our daily-life, need to understand those definitions clearly. Adequate information on this issue, and to continue dynamic psychology, there is no alternative than reviews that could help a lot to focus our mental illnesses accordingly. Out of 13 psychiatric disorders, there were major 43 kinds with 7 types of chaos. Besides, in anxiety group (phobia) and somatoform (pain) showed numerous types on the basis of different perceptions and diseases or injuries. Most of our mental problems are inter-related, so in a broad sense, perfect ideas on those disorders may help to mitigate from our life.
As a common and universal phenomenon in old-ages of human life, it is urgent to know this fact. Everybody will pass this stage if they are alive. To review sufficient reports on this issue, findings were carried out on their health status first, then their real friends supported at this stage of life. The retired persons who were active through various activities (Plates 3-4), could pass smart time always.
In this current era, although probiotics are commonly found in our daily foods, pharmaceutical companies have developed probiotics as supplements in many forms due to increased interest towards probiotics. Knowledge of the general public towards probiotics and their attitudes towards probiotics still need to be explored in Malaysia. Our study aimed to investigate the level of knowledge, attitude, and practice towards probiotics and their association with gut health among the general public in Malaysia. A cross-sectional study was conducted by recruiting the adult general population in Malaysia. Demographic characteristics, knowledge, attitudes and practice towards probiotics were collected via an online survey. Data was analysed by using the T-test and Oneway ANOVA by using SPSS (version 27). At the end of our study, we conclude that the general public in Malaysia has a mean knowledge score of 6.53 out of 10 and a mean knowledge of gut health of 10.14 out of 17. Gender, ethnicity, monthly family income, and education levels were the factors associated with respondents' knowledge of probiotics. Age, ethnicity, occupation, and education level were the factors related to knowledge of gut health. In conclusion, the public knowledge of probiotics in Malaysia is moderate, and the knowledge of gut health is moderate. However, the attitude towards probiotics among the public in Malaysia is mostly positive. With this finding, healthcare personnel and dieticians could be able to make effective and efficient plans to create a more health-conscious and informed community on the benefits of probiotics when integrated into their daily lifestyles, as well as a proactive approach to gut health.
Proponents of genetically modified (GM) crops have argued that genetically modified organisms (GMOs) have enhanced food quality, reduced the costs of food production, increased crop yields, decreased pesticide use, and improved food security, stressing the importance of these technologies for the poor in developing contexts. However, others have argued that this technology is “untested, unproven and unnecessary,” [1] and controversies surrounding licensure and regulatory practices, high technology costs and patent disputes, and limited farm data suggest a varied track record. This review argued that the shaping of a pro-poor narrative around GMOs has been rooted more in optimism than fact, and despite its hopeful promise, GM technologies have an empirical record of being shaped more by commercial interests, oversold and underperforming as a technology for the poor.

Lately, the usage of essential oil has been rising in popularity and is becoming a new trend. A randomised controlled trial from June to July 2022 among medical students in a private medical institution in Malaysia was conducted to determine the effect of Ylang-Ylang oil on respiratory rate, heart rate, blood pressure, and short-term memory. A total of 70 participants were randomly assigned into intervention and control group. The respiratory rate, heart rate, and blood pressure of our participants were measured before they entered the intervention or control room and were recorded in a form. The intervention group participants were exposed to the Ylang-Ylang essential oil, whilst the control group participants were exposed to water vapour without any Ylang-Ylang scent. After respective exposure in both intervention and control groups, the outcome parameters (respiratory rate, heart rate, blood pressure and short-term memory) were recorded in the same form as before. The study data was analysed using Epi Info software version The changes in blood pressure, heart rate and respiratory rate were analysed using a paired t-test, while the short-term memory test was analysed using an unpaired t-test. No statistically significant association in outcome measures were found between the participants in the intervention and control group. Further studies should explore different doses of Ylang-Ylang, with different duration & repeated measures of vital signs and memory.
Sleep quality significantly impacts both mental and physical well-being. Sleep disorders are prevalent, especially among medical students, who often overlook the importance of good sleep. This study aimed to examine sleep quality, assess happiness levels, and explore the relationship between sleep quality and happiness among preclinical students at MUCM. A cross-sectional study was conducted with preclinical students from MUCM. Ethical approval was obtained (Ref: 071/2022). An online questionnaire was distributed, covering demographic data, sleep quality (measured using the Pittsburgh Sleep Quality Index), and happiness (assessed using the Oxford Happiness Questionnaire). Data were analyzed using Microsoft Excel and SPSS, with multiple linear regression used to evaluate the relationship between sleep quality and happiness. A sample of 305 participants, comprising 66.6% females and 33.4% males, participated in the study. Sleep latency analysis revealed that 25.9% of students fell asleep within 30-45 minutes, while 6.2% took 5-6 hours. Most students (55.4%) rated their sleep as fairly good, and 43.3% slept 6-7 hours per night. A significant majority (81.3%) had high sleep efficiency (>85%). The study found that 66.6% experienced minor sleep disturbances. The happiness score revealed that 53% of participants were moderately happy, with family playing a crucial role in their happiness. A significant association was found between subjective sleep quality, daytime dysfunction, and happiness. Preclinical students with better sleep reported higher happiness levels. Interventions to improve sleep quality, such as counselling sessions, may enhance student well-being and academic performance.
Migraine is a neurological disorder that affects approximately 1 billion people worldwide. It is characterized by recurring attacks of moderate to severe headache, often accompanied by other symptoms such as nausea, vomiting, and sensitivity to light and sound. Given the scarcity of studies concerning the influence of lifestyle and environmental factors on migraine, we aimed to examine the links between socioeconomic factors, lifestyle, and working conditions with migraines. A cross-sectional study was carried out among adults over 18 years old in Malaysia. The survey used an online questionnaire and convenience sampling. To evaluate migraine, Structured Migraine Interview (SMI) was employed. The questionnaire also included questions about socioeconomic status, lifestyle, and working conditions. Simple and multiple logistic regression were used. The study had 514 participants. 8.4% of participants had migraines. Emotional belittlement was a significant risk factor for migraines, while socio-economic and lifestyle factors were not significantly associated. High noise levels that required participants to raise their voice and chemicals, steams or gases exposure at work were significantly associated with a higher odd of experiencing migraines. Our study highlighted the importance of emotional well-being, and occupational exposure as determinants of migraine. More research is required to comprehend the complex interplay between these factors related to migraine and to develop improved strategies for preventing and treating the condition.
Dementia places a significant burden on caregivers globally, leading to physical, emotional, and financial strain. Addressing this burden is crucial to safeguarding caregivers' well-being and enhancing support services to alleviate their challenges. This study aimed to assess the public's knowledge and perception of the burden faced by dementia caregivers in Malaysia. A descriptive cross-sectional survey was from April to May 2024. Using non-probability convenience sampling method, data were collected from the general Malaysian population via an online questionnaire distributed through Google Forms. Data was analysed with Chi-square, unpaired T-tests, and One-way ANOVA by using SPSS (Version 27) statistical software. A total of 329 responses were analysed in this study. The findings revealed that the respondents had limited knowledge about dementia (57.14%) but demonstrated a relatively higher awareness of the burden faced by dementia caregivers (63.22%). More than half of the respondents (54.71%) showed a positive perception and willingness to support caregivers of dementia patients. Additionally, many respondents expressed interest in providing additional assistance to help ease the caregiving burden. Furthermore, there is a positive association between age and having good knowledge about dementia and caregivers’ burden. Respondents aged 18 - 31 years old are 2.93 times more likely to have good knowledge about dementia and caregivers’ burden (OR = 2.93, 95%CI: 1.07, 8.00), whereas respondents aged 32 – 45 years old are 2.94 times more likely to have good knowledge (OR = 2.94, 95% CI: 1.01, 8.53). The study concluded that there is a significant association between the public's knowledge and perception of caregiver burden and their willingness to help dementia patients and caregivers. These findings show the importance of public education and increased support initiatives to help reduce the challenges faced by caregivers. Promoting a compassionate perspective can help diminish negative stereotypes about dementia and its caregivers, ultimately improving the quality of life for both caregivers and individuals living with dementia.
This study is aimed to determine the correlation between gender and personality with the prevalence and frequency of nightmares experienced among medical students. This is a cross-sectional study done among 141 medical students of batch 32 in a span of 3 months using a self-structure questionnaire of nightmares among medical students. The data of the current study was analyzed using Epi Info software and the outcome was interpreted and presented in the form of tables and graphs. The association of gender and nightmare frequency show a positive association (4.05). Males tend to suffer more nightmares compared to females (p <0.05). The association between boundary personality and nightmares frequency showed to be positive as well (6.84), wherein individuals with a thin boundary personality tend to experience more frequent nightmares compared to the individuals with thick boundary personality and it is found to be significant (p <0.05).